Bahria University is one of the leading public sector universities of Pakistan, which is dedicated to meet many complex challenges facing us today. The university has campuses, research institutes and colleges all over Pakistan which work towards grooming today’s youth into becoming tomorrow’s leaders. We provide a platform for promising minds to come together, pioneer new thought and serve the world around them. And for this we provide the right mix of faculty, resources, environments and technology so that both learners and teachers are inspired to create, to explore, to discover, to challenge and to lead.At Bahria it is our vision to make our university the best educational institute in the country. Our strategy to achieve this vision is to ensure that theory and practice go hand in hand. We would like to open all the doors for promoting the research potential of the students, which will enable them to use their academic knowledge for practical projects. To this end we have built bridges between the University and the corporate sector, opening the way for research, and making students apply their academic skills to practical projects.
And we aim for all this to take place in a university environment that is safe and friendly, and at the same time disciplined, as envisaged by the Quaid e Azam. Because we feel that along with studies it is equally important to develop the good old values of character, decency, honesty and consideration for one another.
We believe that young people should have a say in shaping their destinies, we therefore help them to discover their potential, prepare for life and help make a positive impact on the world around them. The unusually high youth population of Pakistan presents a wonderful opportunity for us to play a role in motivating young people to be passionate about rendering positive service to society, and make them be able to do so. Because real fulfillment for any person lies in service to his fellow human beings.
We are headed for a future in which educational institutions will increasingly be judged by the quality of the education they provide, by the kind of people they graduate and by the way in which those graduates choose to lead their lives. And we at Bahria University have been striving constantly to meet these challenges.
I invite you to visit Bahria University through this website or in person.
Rector Bahria University